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Instruction for Online Request for Certificate

  1. Enter your email address on the space provided at the right hand side of the page
  2. Click the confirmation link sent to your email to activate your registered account
  3. A window will open and ask you to fill in some salient information, do the needful correctly and click on submit
  4. A confirmation page will open. Kindly confirm your details, if all displayed information is correct, click Pay Now to pay the displayed amount, otherwise click back to start the process again.
  5. Print the acknowledgement receipt for payment confirmation.
  6. Once the processing is completed, you will be notified via the email address provided.
  7. If there is any issue during payment, kindly click on Resolve Payment Issues button at the right hand side of the page or check the footing section of this page for necessary contact.
  8. Please NOTE that, the collection of certificate cannot be done by proxy. You will be required to appear physically for the collection.Thanks.

Confirmation link will be sent to you via email

For complaints Call +2348035588210 Or send email to helpdesk@oscotechesaoke.edu.ng